Blue Moon Blade

BlueMoonBlade vector1BlueMoonBlade vector2

Type: Combat
Introduced in: Laws of Nature
On the Wiki:

The Blue Moon Blade was a powerful sword. Although it was probably not a Shen Gong Wu it could be wagered in a Showdown. It was Shadow's signature weapon.


The Blue Moon Blade was a crystalline single-edged sword with organic detailing, a central egg-shaped hole in the guard, and an additional blade on the cutting edge of the guard. Its' crystalline blade allowed it to glow in the dark, making it visible when the user was inside dark places or bright sunlight.


The Blue Moon Blade was very sharp and strong, able to even cut Medusa Comb's strands. It was also very light, making the user able to make several maneuvers with the sword without difficulty. However this meant that the wielder needed to move exceptionally fast or create a large amount of torque to do any significant damage.


It is unknown how she got the Blue Moon Blade, but Shadow wagered it in a Showdown against Kimiko and won. Shadow went on to wager the Blade against Omi twice and lost both times. It is unclear how she retrieved or regained the weapon.

Episode Appearances[]

Xiaolin Chronicles


Xiaolin Chronicles
  • Shadow (107: Laws of Nature - 108: Out of Ping Pong's Mind)
  • Xiaolin (108: Out of Ping Pong's Mind - 119: Chase Lays an Egg)
  • Shadow (119: Chase Lays an Egg - )

Did You Know...?[]

  • In Out of Ping Pong's Mind Shadow call it as the Blade of the Crescent Moon.
  • The Blade's design takes notes from historic Egyptian and Indian weapons, but is more closely based on half of the pinyin.
  • Shadow seems to produce the weapon from her hair every time she uses it.


See Also

ST Heylin Shen Gong Wu
Season 1: Blue Moon BladeStaff of Ku